Wednesday 22 May 2013

Who is the greatest right back in football today?

Not many people express their opinion on who they feel is the best fullbacks in the game today, mainly because everyone would rather watch a strong piece of attacking play than a well organised defence.

There are many contenders that could be associated with being the greatest right back in football today such as, Anuykov, Srna, Ivanovic, Rafael, Dani Alves, Sergio Ramos or Phillip Lahm. But what makes a great full back, is it someone that is reliable in defence such as Corluka or is it someone that is able to support their team whilst in attack such as Maicon. Well in my opinion I think their needs to be a strong balance between both and the best contender that is able to be a threat whilst attacking but still be solid in defence is Lukasz Piszczeck. I feel that Piszczeck is often forgotten when people are talking about great full backs as he does not come from a country with a strong footballing background, so people look more towards Brazilian, Spanish, French, Italian or English fullbacks instead, but watching Piszczeck play this season has been a pleasure, he has been exquisite in defence and has also managed to score 2 goals and get 8 assists in the Bundesliga this season which is remarkable for a defender.

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