Wednesday 22 May 2013

Who are going to be the underdogs of the 2014 World Cup?

The 2014 World Cup is an event every football fan looks forward too. It has everything drama, pride, excitement and great quality football, what more could anyone want. The World Cup brings a nation together, we all sit infront of our T.V's at home or in the pub and hope to see our country do us proud. The World Cup is also great as it reveals new talents for the game, shows us which players have the compsure to perfrom on the big stage when it matters.

Every time the World Cup comes along their is always one team that comes along and knocks out the big teams. Last World Cup it was Ghana who managed to get to the quater-finals and were unrightly knocked out of the final, thanks to a certain Mr. Suarez who hand balled the ball of the line. But this time who will it be the suprises the World? will it be Ghana again?. I believe that this time round Denmark will be the suprise team that advances far into the tournemant as they have many young exciting players that are capable of performing on the big stage. Denamark have a strong defence with Agger in the middle and also have young Kasper Schmeical or Lindegaard to go in goal, and with players such as Fischer and Eriksen creating oppurtunites for Niklas Bendtner, I am sure he will grab some goals.

But what do you think ? do you agree with me? or feel someone else has the capabilty to go far in this prestigious tournemant.

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